‘Twas A Miserably Fun Race

It was the hardest 10K I have ever done. As I crawled/climbed up, I thought of not doing it again. Going up was difficult and so was going down. The choice I had was to keep going and not to fall.

I twist my ankle multiple times and get a brush burn when trying to climb over a fallen tree. Thankfully, I took my friend’s advice to wear trail shoes. I have never been on that trail and I have been wearing regular shoes on the trails I have been running.

It does make me feel proud of myself that I made it. Even in the midst of misery crawling my way up, it made me thank the Lord for strong legs, lungs and heart, and the positive mindset to just go out there take the challenge.

I wished to finish in 1:30 and hoped to get it done with no falls and injuries. I made it safe and reached my goal.

Will I do it again? The food, the swag, the view were fantastic. The course was difficult and whoever designed it was crazy. I think that made us crazy too, we signed up for it.

“Breaking the will of all those who dare try.”

If I do it again, I would like (hope) to try the longer distance.

Thank God for a beautiful day! Or else it would be a different story.

I will always be grateful for friends to share this experience.

Anyway, ‘Twas A Miserably Fun Race

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