The Little Thing That Seems Big

I just want to write a little note on something simple and not a big deal… just to jot down the joy when I see this little tree at the thrift store. It was all twisted and stuck in the bottom. As soon I saw it, I knew that this is the cutest thing and I started straightening the branches while babbling with my mom-in-law of how cute and nice it is. It reminded me of the song, “little Christmas Tree, no one to buy you. Give yourself to me, la la la la la” (I don’t know the lyrics).

Thrift stores are always a happy place for me. It is where I can see old things that remind me of childhood and to find this little tree is a treat.

Anyway, it was only 99ยข and it got me excited. Even the cashier had a huge smile on her face that she wrapped it carefully while the fragile mugs and frames that she already rang could be bagged first.

I just thought that little things in their simplest form can brighten your day. Being that it is a Christmas Tree, makes it more special. I don’t want to sound “Hallmarky” but there is something about the Christmas spirit that makes you appreciate and anticipate good things and happy feelings even when in reality negativity can happen anytime. It is not that I am in denial with the cycle of life, but I think it is where hope comes in. It is when joy prevails, not just happy sappy. It is when you’re at peace. Even if you have little, you realize that there is more to life. I mean it is just a tree but why it makes me excited and think positively.

I don’t know what else to write.. I don’t wanna keep going and sound confused so I will stop here.

I hope that everyone will have a wonderful Christmas. God bless you and your loved ones.

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:21

The Sum of Our Choices, LIFE

I am not the same everyday. I am not loving everyday. Kindness does not come naturally. I am not motivated to cook, organize and clean the house everyday. Some days I don’t like the people who matter to me the most. I don’t even like myself too some days. My brain is not sharp everyday. My heart is not happy nor sad everyday.


I have the ability to make choices, to make decisions. I realized that the easiest way to live my life is to choose to love, to be kind, to do something even if it’s small and slowly build myself up, to continue to care and be grateful for the people I love and who care about me. My brain may not be sharp at times but I can slow down to re-focus and do what I can. My heart can be happy and sad but it is okay, it makes me appreciative, enables me to count my blessings, it teaches humility, self control, patience and empathy.

Everyting is good, LIFE.

God is good.