A Bowl of Left Over Ham

I was getting dinner ready before my husband comes home. I got the pan to heat the left over ham from yesterday’s lunch. I hang the pan back and thought I can just heat the meat right from the Pyrex bowl. I boiled water on Pyrex long time ago and I did read about it that it is okay so I did just that today, put the bowl of ham right on the stove. After 10 minutes, I checked the ham and it looked good, the broth was boiling. Checked it again, stirred the broth and there the bowl collapsed.

Our daughter heard my dismay and of course she asked me why I did what I did and said “I was looking forward to that ham for dinner” and she stormed out the kitchen.

I looked around like I don’t know what to do forat. I looked outside and there is my husband’s car approaching the driveway. Oh boy, I was embarrassed to what I did. I feel so stupid. I wasted all that money.

As soon as he opened the door, I had to tell him right away that I did something horrible. The ham, the shattered bowl was still on the top of the stove. Right beside the stove is the counter where I have the other left overs.

He just looked at me, checked on me and right away work on the mess. The food that were uncovered were tossed out. He was so patient. He did not even asked me why I did what I did. He just carefully swept the floor first, then the stove, pick up every pieces of glass…. still on his working clothes.

I looked at him and I thought how blessed I am to have such a very patient man. He probably was thinking what we are going to have for dinner, I don’t know. I am just grateful that he was right there, on his working clothes, as soon as he enters the house, he dealt with my mess.

Thankfully, I freeze some pieces of ham I sliced. I bought a huge one and it did not fit the crock pot. So tonight we will have a good dinner and the daughter will be happy even if it’s not the ham I cooked yesterday for Easter.

She said the ham yesterday was the best so far. I slow cooked it on the crock pot for 10 hours. I know ham are already cooked but I like to cook them again.

Anyway, thank you for dropping by and the patience reading this blog if you happen to finish till this end.

It only take a shattered bowl of ham to see my husband’s character towards the mess I made.

God bless you.

Easter Lunch 2022

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