In The Quiet

I know God never get tired of the same prayer each day. I always start with giving thanks of how the day is. When it is sunny I would say it. When it is breezy I would say it. I may even sound like a child learning to pray. But I believe that it blesses His heart when we acknowledge Him thru how the sunshine warms our faces and the dew on the grass wet our feet.

DSC_0547I get to enjoy little things around me when I am able to give up my daily routine and step outside, sit under the tree and listen to the birds singing. It is amazing when I can actually watch them closer and sometimes hold my breath, not moving so I won’t startle them and so they can stay longer and to prolong that simple moment.

DSC_0065I struggle each day to get connected with God because I am too busy. But the great thing with God, He never is too busy for me. I feel guilty because He is so good. I know when I have to let go of everything and take time to talk to Him. I can be very busy trying to get stuff done while I am alone. But when the Holy Spirit tag my heart, I learn to just take that moment. I actually like it because I can pray loud in the quietness of my home.

DSC_0575.JPGGod is surely happy when I demand His attention. He sees me learning to humble myself in His presence and acknowledge that He is in control. And God loves me so much that He wants me to experience an intimate period of time at the midst of my business. He never leave me alone. He desires to bless me with peace, joy, and remind me that He prepared a place for me, and that is eternal. But I won’t be a conqueror of all He has in-store for me if I won’t surrender my self to Him.

DSC_0075As of this moment, He wants me to know that His grace is sufficient when my cup is half way empty.

He blesses me with patience. And that waiting for His answer is allowing Him to work in me and for me to know Him, draw me closer to Him. To wait and see what He can do. To teach me to trust Him. To be still and know that He is God

He reassures me to have peace and live life with joy even when His answer could be no. To rejoice, give Him honor and praise whatever His answer might be.

DSC_0571Time is so precious. And I am grateful when I can sit down, forget the chores, enjoy outside, or play my guitar and hum a tune and pray. Sometimes these can be difficult to do because I get so distracted with other things. I make a to-do-list as a reminder of what needs to be done. And I feel so accomplished when I scratch each one at the end of the day.

20150329_153922I hope that the highlight of my day would be being content with the things that really matters. Enjoy solitude. Pray. Do the things that will satisfy my soul in the quiet.


But Jesus Himself would often slip away to the wilderness and pray. Luke 5:16

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